The Art of Reading Smoke Volume 3: Practice Sessions DVD
David W. DodsonIn this second practice-session companion to his best-selling DVD The Art of Reading Smoke, Chief Dave Dodson builds on your understanding of fire behavior. Chief Dodson challenges you with eight new real-world practice and discussion examples involving residential, commercial, and mixed-use structures, to help hone your smoke-reading skills.
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The Art of Reading Smoke, Volume 3 contains four rapid recognition drills and four full scenarios that give you the opportunity to read the smoke and discuss what the smoke is telling you. Then Chief Dodson walks you through the example, using the process he taught in the original DVD. The 'reading smoke' process is an invaluable skill for any firefighter, from the probie on up.
by David W. Dodson, former Battalion Chief and current Lead Instructor of Response Solutions
Run time: 32 minutes/DVD/2011ISBN10 1-59370-281-7