Focused Training Sessions: Wildland-Urban Interface Fires DVD
Fire EngineeringIn this classroom session, Lt. Edward A. Wright takes a look at the wildland-urban interface, an increasingly prevalent area of focus in the fire service. As urban crawl continues around the world, more and more firefighters are called on to work in the wildland-urban interface. Wildland incidents can often seem overwhelming to the inexperienced wildland firefighter.
Applying the experience gained from his career, Lt. Wright walks through a wildland incident and discusses the various issues involved. He discusses ICS, managing risks, structural triage guidelines, and structural protection tactics, to ensure that all firefighters and officers are on the same page during these large incidents.
It's crucial that every firefighter has the ability to adapt quickly and operate effectively during wildland-urban interface fires.
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It’s like NETFLIX for your training program!
by Edward A. Wright, Lieutenant (Ret.)
105 Minutes/DVD/2013ISBN10 1-59370-315-5