Focused Training Sessions: Forging a Culture of Safety DVD
Anthony L. Avillo
Firefighters spend 99% of their time away from the fireground. Yet the actions, discipline, and leadership demonstrated in this soft environment drive the results in what presenter Chief Avillo calls "the hard environment."
In this classroom session, Avillo examines the preparation, attitude, and philosophical approach needed to be successful in the fire service, as well as the operational and organizational skills critical for working in the stressful environment of the fireground.
This course looks at the importance of setting expectations, providing a proper example, and developing conflict-resolution skills.
Chief Avillo guides his students to ask the important questions:
- What kind of officer am I or will I become?
- What is the nature of my department?
- Am I an officer who looks out for my subordinates?
- Do I practice what I preach?
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It’s like NETFLIX for your training program!
by Anthony Avillo, Deputy Chief, North Hudson (NJ) Fire and Rescue
Run time: 1hr 55min/DVD/2013ISBN10 1-59370-314-7