Rick Fritz

RICK FRITZ has been an active member of the fire service since 1973. He has served with various career and volunteer fire departments, including the Muscatine and Davenport, IA Fire Departments; Penfield N.Y. and Hampton, IL; Union Fire Company #1, Carlisle, PA, and Williamsport Company #2, Williamsport, MD volunteer fire departments. Until recently he was a training captain and battalion chief of training for the High Point (NC) Fire Department and is currently the Corporate Training Chief for HMHTTC (Hazardous Materials) Response Incorporated (Masters of Disaster) located in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey.


From 1976-1982 he served with the 182TASpGp Prime Beef Team with the Illinois Air National Guard. He was director of fire training for the Illinois Fire Service Institute in Champaign, IL, and taught fire science and Haz-mat technology at Scott Community College in Bettendorf, IA, and the Harrisburg (PA) Area Community College. He is a former adjunct instructor for Guilford Technical Community College in Jamestown NC. He has served on the NFPA 1001 committee.


Rick is the author of Tools of the Trade: Firefighting Hand Tools and Their Use (Fire Engineering/Pennwell Publications, 1997) and four supporting training videos on firefighting hand tools.

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