Publish with Fire Engineering Books
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Your story, experiences, and expertise deserve to reach the right audience. With Fire Engineering Books,
you can get your book in front of our entire community, gaining visibility and exposure at no additional cost.

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Not only will your book be available at the largest firefighter training event in the industry in a prime lobby location at the Official Bookstore, but you can also participate in our author signing to meet your readers face-to-face, sign their favorite books, and elevate your presence through this exciting and prestigious opportunity
Your Content, Our Publishing Expertise
We make it easy for you by providing expert guidance, technical reviews, professional editing,
and targeted marketing to get your book into the hands of the fire service.
Here's how it works:

"Fire Engineering is the stamp of approval that you have something the fire service needs to hear"
When I wanted to publish my first book, my wife recommended Fire Engineering. I had already been turned down by another lesser-known publisher, so I said to her, "Are you nuts? You want me to submit to the largest publisher in the fire service after already being rejected?" She encouraged me to submit anyway.
It has been an unbelievable blessing and changed our lives! My first book was published in 2006. Since then, Fire Engineering has become family.
We have now published two books, six videos, and our third textbook will be out this year at FDIC International. Fire Engineering is the stamp of approval that you have something the fire service needs to hear. They are responsive, supportive, and will market your work internationally. I have since written articles, taught at FDIC for years, and am now an editorial advisor. If you have something of value to contribute to the fire service and are willing to do the work, then there is no limit to the impact you can have through getting published with Fire Engineering!
Anthony Kastros, Author
Mastering Fireground Command - Calm the Chaos (2024)
Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center - 2nd Edition (2018)
Mastering Unified Command - From Hometown to Homeland (2015)

"You supply the fire service experience; FE supplies the publishing and marketing expertise"
Fire Engineering Books is an easy, one stop way to get your book published and marketed. Experienced fire service leaders work with you to provide technical review of your manuscript and improve any rough spots. Expert copy and layout editors polish your work into a professional and publishable format.
Marketing and advertising is all done for you. The process is easy, step by step and efficient. You supply the fire service experience; FE supplies the publishing and marketing expertise. The result is a book that will have a positive impact on our Fire Service. It is a great partnership.
Jerry Knapp
House Fires
Tactical Response to Natural Gas Emergencies

"The marketing and reach of Fire Engineering Books has placed my publications further and wider than I could’ve done on my own or with another publishing company that did not understand the fire service"
I have had multiple books published by Fire Engineering. My first book, Fireground Strategies, was published in 2002. As of this date, the fourth edition is in production. Fire Engineering Books has also published three of my workbooks and my Full Contact Leadership book as well as two DVDs and the Tactical Perspectives DVD series.
Along the way, they have guided me with the steady hand of mentorship and guidance, making me feel like part of a family. The marketing and reach of Fire Engineering Books has placed my publications further and wider than I could’ve done on my own or with another publishing company that did not understand the fire service. I have a great deal of respect for their professionalism. In my opinion, there is only one place to get your voice heard in this business: Fire Engineering Books.
Anthony Avillo
Deputy Chief (Ret.)
North Hudson (NJ) Regional Fire and Rescue
Fireground Strategies
Fire Engineering's Study Guide for Firefighter I & II

"Partnering with Fire Engineering made sense to me. I have read many of their high-quality books and know that should my work ever reach print it would reach the intended readers on a suitable platform"
I found the prospect of publishing my written material to be a large obstacle possibly preventing my work from advancing to readers. Having the financial means, the time and energy to steer this script to print was not a mountain I wanted to climb. Partnering with Fire Engineering made sense to me. I have read many of their high-quality books and know that should my work ever reach print it would reach the intended readers on a suitable platform.
The support from the staff of Fire Engineering ensured the book reached its desired end state. They were professional and accommodating to my wishes. I enjoyed the process and am grateful to be an author, a title earned from my hard work and Fire Engineering supported.
Jeff Rothmeier

"They understand the fire service and how we communicate. Having Fire Engineering Magazine participate in the marketing of their books helps it to reach the target audience--the international fire service"
Fire Engineering Books has been a good partner for publishing my books. From the very beginning of the process through the end, the staff is very supportive and understanding. My editors have been great to work with and get back to me promptly with helpful suggestions.
They understand the fire service and how we communicate. Having Fire Engineering Magazine participate in the marketing of their books helps it to reach the target audience--the international fire service. They are a great team to work with.
John Norman
The Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics
Fire Department Special Operations
Working with Giants

"Fire Engineering Books has always produced the books that people in public safety want to read. Professionally done, from the cover to the contents to the back matter, all of it, absolutely incredible"
When it came time to look to publish our first book, we didn’t have to look far. Fire Engineering Books has always produced the books that people in public safety want to read. Professionally done, from the cover to the contents to the back matter, all of it, absolutely incredible.
They made the process extremely easy and were there for us every step of the way. The cover designs were better than we could have hoped for and when it was all said and done their marketing capabilities outpaced and out produced any of the self-publishing groups on the market. I may sound a bit partial, but Fire Engineering Books made me that way!
Rick Lasky, Fire Chief
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