Tactical Perspectives: DVD #6: Dispatch
Frank RicciIn DVD #6: Dispatch, Chief P.J. Norwood and Lt. Ricci illustrate dispatch's role in handling a Mayday situation.When a Mayday occurs, the dispatcher is often the critical link who facilitates the safe rescue of the trapped or missing firefighter. Norwood and Ricci cover the LUNAR procedure from the dispatcher's perspective, discuss the various equipment that firefighters use, and illustrate the importance of the dispatcher in the recognition and successful mitigation of a Mayday. They talk with current dispatchers and firefighters to illustrate what can be done to help keep firefighters safe.
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In the Tactical Perspectives DVD series, Lt. Frank Ricci and other notable instructors look at command, search, ventilation, fire attack, Mayday, and Dispatch operations at residential structure fires. Utilizing real fire footage as well as 3-D graphics, this series illustrates the essential fireground tasks from various standpoints, ranging from the officer to the firefighter. Each DVD addresses safety and the critical components of a successful fireground operation.
by P.J. Norwood with Frank Ricci
Run time: 35 Minutes/DVD/2012ISBN10 1-59370-296-5