Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #9: Forcible Entry DVD
John Norman
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by John Norman, Chief of Special Operations, FDNY (Ret.)
Before we can fight fires and save lives, we need to get into the building. Quite often the building owner is nowhere to be found. Worse yet, they may be trapped inside.
In Video #9: Forcible Entry, John Norman walks us through the various types of forcible entry--conventional, hydraulic, as well as through the lock. It is an essential skill to master for the true firefighter.
The Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series is based on the 3rd edition of the best-selling book and study guide by John Norman.
Contains live-action footage and 3-D graphics! Narrative shot in High Definition!
ISBN10: 1-59370-161-6
36 minutes/DVD/2009