Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #5: Water Supply DVD
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by John Norman, Chief of Special Operations, FDNY (Ret.)
In Video #5: Water Supply, John Norman discusses the importance of delivering a steady and reliable supply of water to the fireground.
Chief Norman teaches the basics of hydraulics, and why a good fire officer needs to understand the dynamics of water pressure and volume in order to successfully put out the fire. Norman uses his expertise as a sprinkler engineer (he didn't always wear a white hat) to instruct the viewer about PSI, friction loss, flow charts, relay pumping, LDH, and more.
The Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series is based on the 3rd edition of the best-selling book and study guide by John Norman.
Contains live-action footage and 3-D graphics! Narrative shot in High Definition!
ISBN10: 1-59370-143-8
31 Minutes/DVD/2008