Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #19: Terrorism and Homeland Security DVD
John NormanWatch this video—and hundreds more—on our Streaming Video Library!
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It’s like NETFLIX for your training program!
by John Norman, Chief of Special Operations, FDNY (Ret.)
In a post-9/11 world, the fire department must be ever-vigilant of the potential for terrorist attacks, both to deter them as well as manage them if they do occur. Terrorists use multiple means of achieving their goal.
In Video #19: Terrorism and Homeland Security, John Norman discusses the fire department's role in terrorism and homeland security. Chief Norman discusses how we as firefighters are in a unique position to thwart terrorists' nefarious plans in order to help keep ourselves, our families, and our country safe. Chief Norman looks at the history of terrorist activities on American soil, how terrorist tactics have changed over the years, and responses to terrorist attacks, such as dirty bombs, chemical attacks, and biological incidents.
The Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series is based on the 3rd edition of the best-selling book and study guide by John Norman.
Contains live-action footage and 3-D graphics! Narrative shot in High Definition!
ISBN10 1-59370-226-4
52 minutes/DVD/2010