Developing High Performance Teams DVD
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Effective teams don’t happen by accident. It takes skill and effort to create teams that thrive.
In this classroom presentation, Brian Ward imparts his team building knowledge. He walks
the viewer through the challenges to team building and gives us many real life examples.
Ward walks us through developing the standard, measuring results, achieving a standard of
excellence, and discusses principle based leadership.
Brian Ward has developed teams within the largest metropolitan to the one station volunteer
department and now in the private sector as the Global Emergency Preparedness and Response
Leader for Georgia Pacific. Brian’s Developing High Performance Teams is a combination of
these vastly different environments and experiences over the span of his progressive career.
Brian has authored numerous articles for Fire Engineering and teaches across North America
at various state and national events. He is a classroom and workshop instructor for multiple
years with Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC). Brian is certified Georgia Smoke
Diver #741 and author of the Training Officer’s Desk Reference.
Brian’s honors include the National Seal of Excellence for Leadership and Safety from the
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Presidential Award from the International Society of
Fire Service Instructors and multiple distinguished service departmental recognitions. He has
served as a member of the AFG Criteria Development Committee and Chairman of the Metro
Atlanta Trainings Officer’s Association. Brian obtained his Bachelor’s Degree from University of
Cincinnati in Fire and Safety Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership
from Columbia Southern University.
ISBN10 1593704712/DVD 2019/ 1 hour, 43 minutes