"Bread & Butter" Operations: Fire Streams DVD
Phillip JoseIn the Fire Streams DVD, Aaron Fields discusses the various fire stream options available to today's firefighters and how to properly use them to effectively, efficiently, and safely operate during fire attack. Firefighter Fields illustrates the variables that occur on the fireground such as water flow, air flow, temperature, and the changing pressure dynamic when water converts to steam. To safely and quickly mitigate a bread-and-butter fire, it is important that today's firefighters understand how to change the dynamic on the fireground. This dynamic is directly related to their selection and use of fire streams.
The 2012 edition of the "Bread and Butter" Operations DVD Series expands on and illustrates many of the basic skills critical to successful fireground operations.
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by Aaron Fields, Firefighter, Seattle (WA) Fire Department, and instructor, Washington State Fire Academy
Run time: 31 minutes/DVD/2013ISBN10 1-59370-301-5