Command Presence: Increase Your Influence
Frank RicciCommand Presence: Increase your Influence
By Frank Ricci
Is a testament to resilience, leadership, and unwavering dedication. In this gripping book, Ricci's journey transcends the pages, offering readers a genuine dose of American grit. Through the lens of his own life, Ricci confronts formidable adversaries, from battling corrupt union figures to facing down raging fires. His insights on leadership, self-accountability, and action are delivered with remarkable clarity and are applicable to leaders from all walks of life.
"Command Presence offers the reader genuine American grit in going head-on with adversity and winning, whether it’s the author's tenacity in overcoming dyslexia or in facing down adversaries from corrupt union figures to raging fires. Frank Ricci has an important story to tell, and it will help the reader learn needed lessons and be better off for doing so."
—John Gizzi, White House Correspondent, Newsmax
"Frank offers great insight and wisdom on leadership shared through stories of his career and life successes and failures, highs and lows, with easy-to-read yet profound examples and lessons in self-accountability, self-responsibility, and action that can be applied to your leadership style."
—Alex A. Rivera MPA, CFO, CTO Fire Chief, West Point U.S. Military Academy
"Frank Ricci brilliantly yet simply explores the critical tenants of leadership, duty, and accountability using his own real-world experience in the field and as a leader. His story is one for all Americans to embrace and learn from, and his tying of civic duty and leadership to that of our founding fathers makes this a read for the history books!"
—E. Garrett Bewkes IV, Publisher, National Review
- Format:
- Flexbound cover
- Number of Pages:
- 420
- Published Date:
- 2023
- 9781593705817
Command Presence
This is a book that all Fire service personnel should read. It covers many topics that all tie into increasing your influence in your department. I will read this book several times to allow all of Frank’s points to really sink in. If you want to open your eyes to the truth behind what it means and takes to be a leader, this is a great book to help you. I had the pleasure of meeting Howard Blithe while I was reading this book. Howard wrote a piece in this book and it was easy to see why Frank chose him to contribute. What an honor to have met him.