Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #7: Standpipe Operations DVD
$71.00 $35.50John Norman
Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #4: Hoseline Selection, Stretching and Placement DVD
$71.00 $20.00John Norman
Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Video Series #3: Engine Company Operations DVD
$71.00 $20.00John Norman
John Norman

Deputy Assistant Chief John Norman is a veteran of more than 40 years in the fire service, with a wide range of experience. He has fought fires in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Now retired, Norman was Chief of Special Operations with the New York Fire Department from 2001 to 2007. Until that time, as a Battalion Chief, he had been assigned to the 16th Battalion in Harlem.
In the days after the collapse of the Twin Towers, Norman was designated as the Search and Rescue manager for the World Trade Center site. He operated in that position as a member of the Incident Commanders General Staff for two months before assuming his assignment as the Chief in Charge of the Special Operations Command on a full-time basis.