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Jack Murphy

Jack J. Murphy, Chairman, Fire and Life Safety Director’s Association of Greater New York, and Adjunct Professor, John Jay College/Fire Science Institute (NYC)
Jack J. Murphy is a retired fire marshal and former deputy chief of the Leonia (NJ) Fire Department. He was appointed deputy fire coordinator for Bergen County. He serves on the NFPA High-Rise Building Safety Advisory Committee, the NFPA 1620 Pre-Incident Planning Committee, and the Fire and Life Safety Director’s Committee. He has represented the Northeast IAFC region on the Fire Code Action Committee for the International Code Council.
He obtained his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Industry Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Fire Science and an Associate of Arts/Liberal Arts. He holds a certificate in Security Management.
Jack has authored numerous fire service articles, as well as a field handbook, Rapid Incident Command System. He coauthored the chapters, “Bridging the Gap: Fire Safety and Green Buildings,” and “Pre-Incident Planning,” in Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I and II. In 1997, he was appointed an FDNY honorary battalion chief. Jack also serves as a Clarion Fire and Rescue Group/FDIC Advisory Board Member and is a contributing editor for Fire Engineering magazine. He received the Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award from Fire Engineering 2012.