Frank L. Fire

Frank L. Fire is an accomplished author with more than forty years of experience in the plastics industry and more than thirty years of experience teaching the chemistry of hazardous materials to firefighters and other emergency responders. He retired from his position as Executive Vice President, Marketing and International, at Americhem, Inc. and is currently a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Fire Engineering magazine. He is a past member of the Society of the Plastics Industry (where he served on the Coordinating Committee on Fire Safety) and an active member in the Society of Plastics Engineers, the National Fire Protection Association, and a number of other professional organizations.
He is the author of The Commonsense Approach to Hazardous Materials and its Study Guide, Chemical Data Notebook: A User's Manual, and Combustibility of Plastics, as well as co-author of SARA Title III: Intent and Implementation of Hazardous Materials Regulations. He has also published more than 120 articles on individual hazardous materials and other fire service topics.