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Dave Gillespie

Dave Gillespie is a Firefighter with the Peterborough Fire Service in Canada since 1995. He has worked as Firefighter, Chief Training Officer, and Incident Safety Officer, and he is currently on the trucks.
From personal experience, Dave lived the extreme stress response and has seen first-hand “how people don’t rise to the occasion, they default to what they practice.”
That experience influenced his research and development of his training philosophy to help firefighters raise their performance, involving simulations, stress inoculation, heart rate monitoring, along with resiliency tactics.
Using biometrics, neuroscience, fMRIs, and tracking heart performance, we can do better.
Dave has spoken at FDIC and authored articles for Fire Engineering and Firefighting in Canada, including “Due Diligence” and “Innovative Simulation Training in Acquired Structures.” He has also worked is an adjunct professor at Fleming College Firefighting Program, and provincial instructor, stunt safety coordinator, and provided courtroom testimony on fire service’s “industry best practices.”
Dave is a partner in Tactical Resiliency Training LLC and speaks with corporate groups on high performance and resiliency.
He lives in Peterborough Canada with his family.
Dave can reach at: