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Anthony R. Cole

Anthony Cole, CFPS, CFEI, MIFireE has 20 years of experience in fire protection ranging from fire fighting to engineering and design. Currently, Mr. Cole is a Fire Protection Engineer with the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. His responsibilities include project plan review, technical standards and specifications development, plant fire risk analysis, special studies and projects, and large-scale emergency response.
Prior to his work at Saudi Aramco, Mr. Cole was a Fire Protection Engineer with Rolf Jensen and Associates in the Denver, Colorado office. His responsibilities included project management, plan and code reviews, plant surveys, and consulting. A former Fire Chief/Senior Fire Engineer for the Saudi Iron and Steel Company in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, Mr. Cole is also a former Loss Prevention Engineer with FM Global.
He started his fire career as both a paid and volunteer firefighter in Ohio, he continued on several volunteer fire departments in Kentucky, Mississippi, and Missouri. Mr. Cole earned a B.S. in Fire Protection Engineering Technology from Eastern Kentucky University and a M.S. in Fire Protection Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Serving on three NFPA technical committees (NFPA 12, NFPA 15, NFPA 59A), he currently serves on two SFPE committees and is the Vice President/Co-founder of the Saudi Arabian Chapter of SFPE. Mr. Cole is a Certified Fire Protection Specialist and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator and is a member of SFPE, NFPA, NAFI, IFE, and IAFC.